Can You Get Laser Hair Removal While Taking Antibiotics? - A Guide for Patients

The majority of medications, such as cold and flu medicines, antibiotics, and mood regulators, will not have any negative side effects on laser hair removal. However, it is important to inform the staff if you are taking any antibiotics before undergoing the procedure. Treatments can usually be done two weeks after the administration of an antibiotic. More serious drug-induced side effects, such as phototoxic and photoallergic reactions, may occur if you are taking a medication that is considered photosensitive.

These side effects can range from mild and temporary to more serious reactions that look and feel like a severe sunburn. Therefore, it is recommended to wait two weeks after the last dose of antibiotics before receiving laser hair removal treatments. Most companies that offer laser hair removal services will be able to provide you with specific guidelines on how you can safely receive treatments based on your specific medications or antibiotics. If you are unsure if your medication contains photoreactive compounds, it is best to talk to your doctor before starting laser hair removal.

It is okay to finish taking the antibiotic and start laser hair removal the next day. In conclusion, it is important to inform the staff if you are taking any antibiotics before undergoing laser hair removal treatments. If you are unsure if your medication contains photoreactive compounds, it is best to talk to your doctor before starting laser hair removal.

Leann Artola
Leann Artola

Hipster-friendly coffee aficionado. Award-winning food enthusiast. Devoted web expert. General zombie enthusiast. Devoted zombie specialist. Professional beer maven.